Hey you!! It was wonderful to see your beautiful face at the Juno meeting—unless you weren’t there! No worries, you’re not falling behind. Here’s what you missed!
Mass meeting presentation:
Our lovely leaders, Mare, Brooke, and Salem, taught us about the basics of Juno. The presentation is attached HERE, but here are our foundations:
WHAT IS JUNO?: Juno is a place for artists and creatives to hang out and make things together every week on Mondays, 5 to 8 pm in the design lab at the Duderstadt. You can pop in for ten minutes or stay the whole time! From poets to engineers to animators, we want to create a place for everyone to work together and find others who might be interested in working on a group project.
MANTRA: We want to encourage everyone to MAKE BAD ART! This isn’t a place to build your perfect design portfolio and stress about the details. As long as you’re making something, you’re doing it right.
PROJECTS: We’ll be working with a vague timeline of 1 month per project. Anyone is open to propose a project to the group, and that can mean whatever you want: zines, short films, video games, garment design, exhibition work, and anything else you can think of. There’s no pressure to help out with these proposed projects if you don’t feel like it!
WORKSHOPS: Interested in book arts, screenprinting, or cyanotypes? Juno plans to host workshops focusing on artistic methods that aren’t commonly taught! If there’s anything else you want to learn, let us know in our discord or message us on Instagram and we can figure something out.
EVENTS: Outside of meetings, Juno plans to have some chill and fun get-togethers like poetry slams, tea and tunes, a dj party, art exhibits, and more.
HELP WANTED: At the moment, Juno is in need of a treasurer! We plan on applying for a few grants so we can get funding for our creative practices. Help us out and you’ll get some great experience you could throw on your resume!
One of our lovely leaders, Salem, also presented their proposal for a monthly zine we could all collaborate on! Here are some highlights:
Artsy cover/back: We need to make designs each month to catch people’s attention and get the Juno name out there!
Resource tree The zine could be both creative and functional, with pages of resources and information about Juno events, other interesting things going on in Ann Arbor, and a page of song reviews and recommendations 🙂
Here’s where you can find us:
That’s all for now! See you next week, and keep making bad art!
- Juno